February 16, 2011

WILW-Light at the End of the Tunnel Edition

I was 10 kinds of busy these past couple weeks and I missed WILW last week!  Things are still crazy but there is a light at the end of the tunnel...next week is my district's Winter Break!!! So excited for the chance to catch up on my grad work, organize/plan for my lead teaching, and take some time for me. Gasp- relaxation?!?! Ahh, can't wait....

I'm also loving all the sweet Valentine's I received from my kiddos. Nothing like cartoon temporary tats to bring you back to the 90s :-).

I made super sweet Valentines for my kids thanks to this great teacher! If you are a Lower El teacher you must check out First Grade Parade! My kids loved the "hidden message" in sign language.

I'm loving this new multicultural children's book series- Yoon, by Helen Recorvits!
I have a lot of Asian or Asian-American students and am always looking to represent them in books. (Kids are more apt to read/write if they can see themselves as part of literature). Can't wait to read Yoon and the Jade Bracelet to them and use it as a mentor text in our Realistic Fiction writing unit!

I love Kinesiotape- it's this amazing athletic/therapy tape that's stretchy and flexible . It supports your body while at the same time allowing it to move, not to mention reducing swelling and all sorts of other tricks. Does wonders for those residual dance injuries! It was featured in the 2008 Summer Olympics on the beach volleyball players (if you remember- all the black tape "tattoos" on them?) Maybe you're not an Olympic nerd like me... but bonus, it comes in all sorts of fun colors. http://ezinearticles.com/?What-the-Heck-is-Kinesio-Tape-and-Why-is-Olympic-Gold-Medalist-Kerri-Walsh-Wearing-It?&id=1405298

I'd love to write more and share about the amazing goings-on in 3rd grade but I'm off to re-certify on my allergy, bloodborne pathogens, and other online certifications for my district. Thrilling, I know!
Happy Wednesday y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love your blog Kathleen! You're now officially on my Google Reader, and I can't wait to read more :-)
