A year ago when I was first beginning to blog I discovered the wonders of Teacher Week. I learned so much from other fabulous teachers and added many blogs to my Google Reader! This year I'll be participating. You can check it out here!
There will be another freebie on Friday but to kick it off I'm offering my Upper Elementary Table Jobs Printable. I was introduced to table jobs during my student teaching and I loved how it supported group work (which I do a lot of). I generally have 5 students per group and the jobs rotate every week or so. I have a NYC/Broadway theme because I teach at a Performing Arts School. The titles also introduce my students to other jobs in the theatre/movie industry, but you can re-title many of them to fit your theme, I've even included an extra blank one.
Here's the link to the Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B4i0LVMryMrlY2YwYWM5NjktZTA3NC00MTFjLWIyYTctY2M1NjI4MzQxNjM2&hl=en
Enjoy! Hope to see you at Teacher Week,
There will be another freebie on Friday but to kick it off I'm offering my Upper Elementary Table Jobs Printable. I was introduced to table jobs during my student teaching and I loved how it supported group work (which I do a lot of). I generally have 5 students per group and the jobs rotate every week or so. I have a NYC/Broadway theme because I teach at a Performing Arts School. The titles also introduce my students to other jobs in the theatre/movie industry, but you can re-title many of them to fit your theme, I've even included an extra blank one.
Here's the link to the Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B4i0LVMryMrlY2YwYWM5NjktZTA3NC00MTFjLWIyYTctY2M1NjI4MzQxNjM2&hl=en
Enjoy! Hope to see you at Teacher Week,
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