April 9, 2011

Support Adoption!

Calling all readers!
I haven't posted on this very important subject but have been wanting to for some time!
Something that I am personally affected by, something that I plan on doing in the future, but something that we can all take action on NOW.

Did you know that there are over 150 Million Orphans?
Did you know that scripture mentions to take care of the orphan dozens of times?
Do you realize we are all orphans adopted by God as His sons and daughters?
Did you realize that certain countries are closing door to US adoptions, leaving several fatherless as it is uncommon in many countries to adopt orphans of their own, especially if they have any exceptionality?
Do you realize that in some countries young orphans with special needs- even a blood issue such as hepatitis- are sent to mental assylums to die alone?

This is for real. This isn't everybody else's problem. I know not all of you will be called to adopt, but supporting adoptive families through financial contributions for legal fees and through prayer is just as necessary. I have several real life and bloggy friends who have adopted many children and it makes my heart swell with joy- there is nothing like having a father and mother who want YOU, who love YOU, forever.

Vayna's Dream
This family, the Salems, have adopted 4 beautiful daughters with special needs. They haven't stopped there. They continue to raise money and find families for many other orphans. Check out this post to learn about about sweet 8 yr old Vayna. He needs to find a forever family, and quickly! before he too is transfered to a mental asylum where he becomes un-adoptable. The Salems are raising money for his ransom and searching for a family for him. Maybe it's you? Can you donate? Every dollar helps. In only a couple days they have raised nearly $7,000- nothing is impossible. Please keep him in your prayers.

I challenge you, right now to make a difference, to make it 1 less orphan in this world!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing. I just donated. God bless you and sweet Vanya!!

  2. Thanks Girl! God multiplies our offering, every bit helps! God bless you!
